Adored Beast Gut Seal 30mL
Adored Beast Gut Seal 30mL Dog Supplement Sunshine Coast

Adored Beast

Adored Beast Gut Seal 30mL

Adored Beast Apothecary
A homeopathic remedy that help restore, strengthen and tighten the separated "leaky" junctions of the gastrointestinal lining.
Gut Seal is one of the 5 steps that can be found in the Adored Beast Leaky Gut Protocol. If you suspect or have confirmed that your pet has leaky gut, we recommend starting with the protocol, as healing and recover will often require a multi-targeted approach.

Ideal for use in pets who have gone through the Leaky Gut Protocol, but may still need some support for periodic, maintenance after treatment.

Also a great option for pets who may not quite need the entire Leaky Gut Protocol but may benefit from some gut soothing and support, such as stubborn skin conditions, irregular digestion, IBD, autoimmune disease, allergies or organ disorders ( liver, pancreas, gallbladder).

Ingredients: homeopathic arnica, calendula, collagen, thiosinaminum prepared in a 13% alcohol base.


  • For cats and dogs under 20lbs, use 4 pumps per day
  • For dogs over 20lbs use 8 pumps per day
  • Administer orally or can be given in food.
Our supplements are partnered with our raw dog food to offer a complete dog food diet.